Monday, May 3, 2010

Blog Reflection

This is our last and finally blogging assignment and I cannot believe that it has gone this fast. So for our final blog we have to write about our overall evaluation about how we feel about blogging, if our writing as improved, and much more. My thoughts about blogging came to be more easier then I originally thought. I got all worked up in the beginning about others reading my work, but now after coming to the end I am more comfortable displaying my writings. Many of the assignments we did were easy to put together. When I first found out we were blogging, I was not excited about the idea. I thought it was going to take up a lot of unnecessary time. I was wrong! The many writings we were assigned were fun to write and barely took up any time and I was able to write them with no trouble.

After taking this class, my writing as evolved from when we first started. I took my time and cared about my work. It is nice to see that my writing does not look like an elementary student! Now, I can start a paper with ease without the troubles I had back in the beginning of the course. My writing has definitely improved over the semester. Just the little things like my grammar have improved. I do however, take more time on my assignments then I have in the passed.

The blog I am most happy with, my favorite, was the two truths and a lie. It was really easy to come with and I put in a lot of detail to make it hard for others who have read it to guess what my lie was. I was really curious to see, in class, what others thought and I quite surprised to see the end results. I thought I did a good job explaining that I know all about climbing, when I have only done it once in my life lol. I also read a few two truths and a lie myself, and a lot of people stumped me on what their lie was. I believe that everyone did a good job with the blog posts. On a few assignments I noticed some put more effort, but when it is a topic your not interested in, it is really hard to write.

After taking this class, I am way more comfort displaying my work to other people, not just the teacher. I felt that blogging has helped me out in the long run. I have learned a lot about exactly what blogging is and how to make an account. I am not a blogger, so I do not believe I will continue with blogging, but it was a good run. Writing a paper and writing a blog are two different things, so it was nice to flip flop from one to the other. Blogs are a little less stressful and I feel you can put in more of your flavor of writing than with an assigned paper. Definitely had some good blogging times, but I glad it is over!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Two Truths and a Lie!

Can you spot the lie? In this blog assignment I will be writing two truths and one lie.
As you're reading, try to figure out which one is which.

I have a beautiful tattoo on my right foot. Before I left for college my mom and I decided to get tattoes together, sort of a bounding experience. My mom already has three of them, and I fell in love with each one. To show how much we care about each, in a different way, my mother got my name on her right foot, and I got pink and purple Lilly flowers with swirls and leaves. My mom's mother passed away when she was twelve years old from cancer and her name was Lillian, so my mom has a purple Lilly flower on her left ankle. So mine shows that my mom and her mother will always be together and the swirls are me putting them together.

One of my favorite hobbies is to rock climb. I am an avid 5.10 climber that sometimes attempts and succeeds 5.11s, but not often. One experience I had was far outside Kalispell near Canada at a place called Stone Hill. There is a 5.10 overhang there that I attempted. It had a small base to belay from and past the base was another cliff that went down a few hundred feet to a lake. The climb started with an overhang which took awhile to get past. After the overhang were moderate holds and past that was a small 3 foot shelf that I rested on before jumping to the overhang above me. I finally jumped after much delay and grabbed the hold I needed. I finished the route and got to see the beautiful view at the top of the climb. It was a very challenging route that I now would do over and over again.

For Valentine's Day my super cool roommate handcrafted a card that was 12" by 20" and had cut out foam letters saying "You're the BEST roomate ever. I love you. <3 Sarah" on the inside. She even spelled roommate wrong. On the front has my name in large foam letters and says "Happy Valentines Day" with multicolored hearts. There is also a large white heart with a T in the center and squiggly white foam cut outs projecting out of the hear in the center of the card. There is nothing on the back, but that is okay, because it is still the best card I've ever gotten. It is now hanging infront of my desk on my bed and makes me happy every time I look at it, because i know that she loves me. :]]]]

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

CSI Las Vegas

So this next blog assignment we have to write about is our favorite television show and why we think it is a great show. My favorite television show is CSI Las Vegas. I have watched this show around the time I became a teenager and have been attached to it ever since. When I first started watching it, certain episodes really scared me and I got nightmares from them. As I got older, it became more easier to watch. I enjoy everything about this television show. The drama, the crime scenes, the different methods people use into murdering someone. It is quite interesting, but also creep at the same time of how much I like this show. My favorite part of the overall show is how they determine who actually committed the crime. In the beginning you think it is this certain person, but then almost at the end they get you with someone random or someone who was involved with the investigation.

I think that everyone should watch CSI, not just Las Vegas, but Miami, New York, or where ever. It is a great show that is exciting, mysterious, creepy, and scary all at the same time. I would not recommend it to little children, but around the age of a teenager is great if someone was interested in watching this show. I love all the different ideas, themes, they use for this show, because they all are quite amazing to watch. It is incredible to see how people come up with over thousands of ideas of how to kill/murder someone. If you carefully watch the different episodes, it is scary to say, but true, that someone could create the perfect murder. I know after watching this show so much, that I know what and what not to do!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My three op-ed articles.


Not-so-sleepless in Seattle-or anything else
This article was quite interesting to read about because the media is saying that a average person gets about six to seven hours of sleep per night, when in reality it comes to around seven to even more than eight hours of sleep per night. However, it does not always matter about the quantity of sleep, what matters is the quality of sleep people get per night. Many factors can contribute to the quality of sleep, but if a specific individual receives enough hours, then they are more likely to function well throughout their day. I would agree on this because I have ranged from only getting six to about nine hours of sleep and everyday is different to me.

Calorie Count Disclosure And The Health Care Bill: Will This Lead To A Food Revolution?
Every now and then people crave the salty and delicious taste of fast food, who doesn't? I know I do! A new law that was being put into the health care bill is that restaurant's, with more then twenty locations, must have the nutrition information on the wrapping or the package of the food. This provides for the consumer what exactly their putting into their bodies. Many people believe that this will help people understand what they are eating and hopefully make better choices in the future. I believe this is a good idea because when I get a burger from Wendy's or a taco from Taco Bell, I am always curious into how many calories there are, and also how many grams of fat. I am a curious person, so it will be interesting to see.


Look beyond the fat
As I was reading this article, I was thinking a lot about myself and the ways I would go to not become overweight. But then again it is not all about the fat! Unfortunately, America is extremely overweight, and it had said that around six million people are about one hundred pounds overweight. These numbers are too high and it is scary to think about what is going to happen in the future, if the numbers do increase! However there are many contributors to the obesity rate. This can include the fast food industries, Internet and how now a days people can do anything from the comfort of their home and computer. Not all Americans are lazy though! There are a lot of emotional, psychological, and genetic factors the contribute to people's obesity. I just know how to make the right decisions for myself and everyone is different from each other.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Reseach Paper Sources

As I was reading this website, it really did not give me any information on what I needed to know: green roofs. This website was more based on the benefits of green roofing and all the different types someone could consider, if wanting to get a green roof. It did, however, give good detail on how there very beneficial to the environment.

With this website, all it did was give a brief sentence or two on the different types of green roofs and what they are more suitable for. This website was not useful at all about what exactly green roofing is.

This article was definitely more useful then other ones I have read. It gives good information on where green roofs have been used, and they re all over the world. Great facts that are useful to writing the personal academic essay.

With all the other sources I have, this article gives me great information, not only about green roofs, but what major cities have done to help out the environment. It has helped me out with how I am going to write the paper and what I think about green roofs.

As I was high lighting this article, it did give me information about green roofs then other ones have, but the language was more technical. It gave me quite a few of graphs that had information I had no idea what they were talking about. Other then that it was okay for the most part.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Research Paper Topic

Sustainability is the general idea for our next writing assignment. Unfortunately I do not have a full understanding of what the word means, but I have a general idea. So for the topic I am going to write about is one of two things. Either green roofs and how they are effective and offer significant long-term economical and environmental advantages. Then I also came across human health and seemed pretty interested in reading about. It talks about the way the economy had developed over the years and how is it effecting human life. Whether it is air pollution to poverty, and also the expanding population. Both ideas seem to be good idea toward sustainability and is also quite interesting to want to write about.

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Chocolate. What do people think of when someone says the word chocolate? I think of its creamy texture, its bitter but sweet taste, and the way it makes you feel good after you have eaten it. Chocolate is a girl's best friend. It is always there when you need it, never talks backs, and gives you a warm sensation after you've eaten it. This is why I want to write a brief statement about the history of chocolate. I think it is fascinating to explore one of many food favorites. First off chocolate was created from cacao, which originated from the Amazon around four thousand years ago! Within the cacao plants, their pods contained seeds that can be produced into chocolate. The Mayans and Aztecs would then take the beans from the cacao plant and make a special drink called "xocoatl". It is believed to say that the Aztec Indian legend believed that the cacao seeds have been brought down by paradise and are to give wisdom and power when you eat the fruit of the cacao plant.

As I was doing some research on chocolate, I am cross some interesting facts. Many people know that chocolate has caffeine, but to get about the same amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee, you would have to eat more then a dozen chocolate bars!! Talk about a lot of chocolate. It has a great value of energy, one chocolate chip provides enough energy of a human to walk one hundred and fifty feet! Having acne or getting any for of it does not happen cause of chocolate. It is a complete myth. Chocolate contains "Theobromine" which is extremely toxic to dogs. This can effect their central nervous system and cardiac muscles. An interesting fact is that milk chocolate is most preferred chocolate, but most men would rather have dark chocolate. Because chocolate is so popular, more then seven billion dollars is spent on chocolate alone.

Google - the history of chocolate.